Strawberry Picking Hortonville WI, we are anticipating tasting those sweet juicy strawberries around the Hortonville WI area. The strawberries are all budded out and soon will be blossoming. Our Strawberry Picking Hortonville WI and Pea Adventure to begin approximately the 3rd week in June. Just a friendly reminder, our strawberry picking season only last 2 to 3 weeks once we begin picking. Plan now, as it is easy to miss the season, as it goes by so fast. It won’t be long and we will all be enjoying some fresh juicy sweet strawberries…..yummy!  We offer both pre picked and pick your own strawberries during our season. Strawberries are sold by the pound for you pick and by the quart for we pick strawberries. Once in the fields, a friendly field guide will greet you and get you all set up to start your picking and filling your flat with red juicy strawberries. The Strawberry Farm is located a short distant from the Fox Valley, only 20 minutes to Pick Your Own Strawberries Green Bay WI, 25 minutes for Strawberry Picking Appleton area, and a very short drive from Hortonville, Clintonville,  Neenah, and Northeast Wisconsin communities. Stay tuned for updates and keep in mind our season only last about 15 to 20 days once it begins.

Our Pea Patch consist of the edible pods called sugar ann snap peas and the traditional (shucking kind) called knight. We offer both Pick Your Own and pre-picked, both are sold by the pound.

Fresh tender yummy Asparagus is now available at the Farm Store and we plan to have pre-picked Asparagus till around the 15th of June.  We always recommend a call to place an order before your trip to the farm.  Asparagus is $4.00 per pound. Fresh cut locally grown lettuce available at $2.00 per bag.

tender and yummy!

tender and yummy!


If you enjoy hearing what we did at the Farm this spring, here is the list

  • Planted 18,000 strawberry plant
  • Planted lettuce in the hoop house
  • Planted cucumbers in hoop house
  • Planted tomatoes in hoop house
  • Planted grass rows for picking and parking
  • Planted 1.5 acre of  Peas
  • Planted 34 acres of oats
  • Planted 1 acre of Sweet Corn
  • Planted colored corn, zucchini
  • Planted Green Beans
  • Planted Gladiolas bulbs


Still to plant

  • some cover crops of soybeans, oats and tillage radishes
  • pollinator plots of canola rape
  • our 8 acre Corn Maze
  • Pickling cucumbers and Dill
  • Pollinator plots, Buckwheat, Hairy Vetch
  • Cover crops (oats, buckwheat)
  • 7 acres of Pumpkins (all sizes and shapes), Squash (burgess buttercup, butternut, spaghetti, hubbard, festival, acorn) and Gourds
  • 2 acres of Sweet Corn
  • Potatoes

A tentative calendar for upcoming events at the Farm:

June 2016……Asparagus, Lettuce, Sweet Juicy Strawberries, and Fresh Picked Peas

July 2016……. Raspberries, Blueberries, Peas, Beans, Zucchini, Pickling Cucumbers, Dill, Tomatoes

August 2016……Raspberries, Blueberries, Pickling Cucumbers, Dill, Gladiolas, and Sweet Corn

September – October 2016…..Our FARMTOBERFEST Celebration…..our Fall Family Farm Fun Adventure                 

See You Soon at the Farm

Growing Memories……..Sharing Traditions

TAGS: U pick farms, you pick,  pick your own berries, U-pick, pyo, blueberries, peas, raspberries, northeast Wisconsin, fox valley, brown, Oconto county, Outagamie, door, Kewaunee, Winnebago, Oshkosh, Menasha, Chilton, Waupaca, Shawano, produce, tomatoes, fruits, vegetables,  farm market, pumpkins, corn maze, wagon hay ride, depere, Hobart, Howard, Seymour, Pulaski, Clintonville, New London, Kaukauna,  ashwaubenon, calumet, Menominee