It’s a Wacky Wristband Weekend at Farmtoberfest.  Wristbands only $10 per person…..$ave $5 per person on this all access pass.  Good on Fri/Sat/Sun Oct 25-27. Our Fall Farmtoberfest kickoff weekend is September 14th & 15th from 11am to 4pm and runs every weekend though the end of October, weather permitting of course. Stop in this fall for some fall farm fun and make your very own memories in the Patch. Play the Scarecrow Scavenger Spectacular in our Corn Maze where you need to find each scarecrow and then punch your game card correctly. Try your luck at the Rat Racers and see how fast you can make them go. Then head over to the Corn Cob Range and shoot corn cobs at targets down range. Don’t forget to make your very own Scarecrow that you can set on your porch later that evening. How creative can you be at painting your own pumpkin? Take a well-deserved break and jump on aboard the Porter Patch Pumpkin Express for a scenic relaxing hay ride. Visit the Barnyard Buddies and feed the Goats, pet the Baby Calves and say Hi to all the different Chickens. The Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patches near Green Bay WI is now ready for you and your family to carry on those fall traditions or start new traditions right here at the Pumpkin Patch. All the friendly farm staff can’t wait to see you at the Farm this fall!

Choose from these options when you arrive at the farm

  • The Little Pumpkin Village Wristband ……$15.00 access to ALL events
  • Or Can Pay for these events separately:
  • Scenic relaxing Wagon Hay Ride aboard the Porter Patch Pumpkin Express $4.00
  • Play the Scare Crow Scavenger Spectacular in our 8 acre Corn Maze …….. $4.00 – No one under 12 years admitted without a paid adult.
  • Corn Cob Chuck (shoot targets down range with our giant sling shots) $4.00 per bucket of cobs
  • Pumpkin Painting……….. $5.00 includes a mini pumpkin to paint
  • Scare Crow Making …… $8.00
  • These events below are also included the Little Pumpkin Village Wristband – all access pass
  • Old Fashion Water Pump Races
  • Tug O War
  • Round Bale Hay Play
  • Gunny Sack Races
  • Bud’s Building Block Bonanza
  • Pumpkin Tic Tack Toe
  • Pumpkin Checkers
  • Pumpkin Toss
  • Pumpkin Bowling
  • Pumpkin Twister
  • Rat Racers
  • Pig Skin Toss
  • Antler Sling

Weekend Farmtoberfest group discounts (20 or more) $5 off our all access pass of $15 or (groups of 12 to 19) $2 off our all access pass of $15.

2 and under are Free with a paid adult. For week day field trip rates, click on home page and click on Fall Field Trip sign up.

Fall Décor Pricing:

  • Humongous Pumpkin…$10
  • Huge Pumpkin…$8                                                        
  • Large Pumpkin …$6
  • Medium Pumpkin …$5
  • Small Pumpkin …$3
  • Tweener Pumpkin…$2
  • Mini Pumpkin…$1
  • Squash (Burgess, Spaghetti, Butternut, Hubbard, Acorn, Multi Colored)…$3
  • Gourds…2 for $1
  • Pie Making Pumpkins…$2 to $4
  • Straw Bales…$6
  • Corn Shock Bundles…$6
  • Colored Corn Bundles…$4

Don’t forget to say hi to our Barnyard Buddies – baby goats, calves and plenty of chickens

Soon the Pumpkin harvest will begin at the Patch, hurray! We will have all sizes and shapes of Pumpkins for you and your family to choose from. We also have a large selection of Fall Décor, straw bales, colored corn, corn shocks, assorted gourds and 6 types of Squash, including Acorn, Multi Colored, Butternut, Spaghetti, Burgess Buttercup, and Hubbard. The Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patches near Green Bay WI and spending time at the Farm is great for Fall Family Farm Fun.

When searching for Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patches near Green Bay WI, we hope you give us a try and let us create some memories and traditions for you and your family. We are located only 25 minutes from Appleton Wisconsin and only 20 minutes from Green Bay Wisconsin, just a short drive for all the folks in Northeast Wisconsin. Our Farm, the Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patches near Green Bay WI is very close to the Fox Valley and the communities of Shawano, Oshkosh, Chilton, Green Bay, Appleton, Fondulac, Hortonville, Oconto, Oconto Falls, Oconto Falls, Neenah and Suamico.  Check out our Facebook page and follow the Fun of Farmtoberfest this fall.

See you at the Farm!


Our Farm is officially designated a happy place, please leave your frowns at the gate and pick them up when you leave. We do reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
