Pumpkin Picking Aug 2021

Pumpkin Picking starts Sunday Sept. 19 – from 11am to 4pm and every Saturday & Sunday – Sept 25/26, Oct 2/3, Oct 9/10, Oct 16/17, Oct 23/24, Oct 30/31 – Weekends for Our Big Pumpkin Celebration known as Farmtoberfest.  Admission is $10 per person & 3 and under...

Pumpkin Picking Green Bay Wisconsin Oct 2020

We specialize in growing memories and harvesting traditions.  Stop on out to the Farm for a visit and gather up some your very own cherished memories for you and your family.  Pumpkin Picking Green Bay Wisconsin is going on right now, you just need to search the Patch...

Pumpkin Patches Appleton WI Aug 2020

Excitement is building at the Farm!  We are beginning our annual transformation of painting the Farm orange for Farmtoberfest.  Pumpkins in the patch are starting to turn orange too.  The Corn Maze is all cut and a waits its first Farm Guest of the fall season.  We...

Happenings at the Farm Jan 2020

Happenings at the Farm A new decade is upon us at the Farm, as 2020 has rolled in.  We are very excited about the upcoming growing season that is just around the corner.  The last few seasons have been very challenging with the record amounts of moisture that mother...

Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch near Appleton WI Sept 2017

Our Farmtoberfest Celebration is every Saturday & Sunday thru Oct. 29th from 11am to 4pm, weather permitting of course. Stop in for the day for some fall family farm fun and make your very own memories. Great food available to fill your bellies. The Corn Maze and...